- Map Conversion Tools
- UTM to ATS (Alberta Township System) converter
- NAD 27 to NAD 83 conversion (NTv2)
- Geomagnetism, declination calculator
- Earth Sciences Tools and Applications
- Surficial Geology Maps
- Alberta Archaeological Site Inventory
- Historic Glass Bottle ID and dating
- Dating Licence Plates of North America
- Glenbow Collections and Archives
- Researching Local Histories (local community history books on early settlers)
- Alberta Homestead index
- Booklets on local Alberta Mainstreet Projects and historic Walking/Driving tours
General Resources
Archaeological Societies
- Archaeological Society of Alberta
- Archaeological Society of British Columbia
- Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
- Montana Archaeological Society
- Chacmool Archaeology Association
- Bodo Archaeological Society
- Rocky Mountain Anthropological Association
- Canadian Archaeological Association
Other Contacts
- Spatial and Numeric Data Services (SANDS) at the University of Calgary
- Association of Consulting Archaeologists
- Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park
- University of Calgary Department of Archaeology
- Mount Royal University Department of Archaeology
- ANARKY Conference
- Glenbow Museum
- Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation
- Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site
- Alberta Culture
- Alberta Historical Resources Foundation
- Archaeological Survey of Alberta
- Archaeology on Federal lands and lands managed by Parks Canada